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国内时代短片精选 A Selection of Short Contemporary Chinese Films

Venue Address 场地地址:
Crossroads Centre
 18 Da Shi Qiao Hu Tong Gu Lou Da Jie, Xi Cheng District, Beijing
交差点中心 北京市西城区旧鼓楼大街大石桥18号

Straw Weave 


真实记录了山东平度一位 97 岁的老奶奶,她与 71 岁的女儿一道,靠手工活“草编”养活了一家人的故事......

草编在平度农村已经有 160 多年的历史,当地百姓几乎家家都依靠草编为生。摄制组在深入农村拍摄期间, 在平度新河镇前高家村偶遇了母女俩。由于丈夫早逝、饥饿、疾病,奶奶生下的七个孩子,夭折了四个。为了 生计,她不得不让女儿放弃上学的机会。女儿不满十岁,就与母亲一道编草编,维持一家生活,顽强地与贫穷 抗争,与草编结下不解之缘。

该片历时一年半时间,以真实记录与电影叙事相结合的方式,通过富有张力的镜头语言,展示母女命运的变化, 社会的变迁......

Straw Weave explores the true life of a 97-year-old granny and her 71-year-old daughter in Pingdu, Qingdao, China, who have managed to feed their family through manual straw weave for the past 60 years.

Straw weave has more than 160 years of history in the countryside of Pingdu. Over the past century, many local people have earned their living by weaving straw plaits. During an in-depth interview in the countryside, the crew met the mother and daughter by chance in the Qiangaojia Village, Xinhe town, Pingdu. This centenarian gave birth to seven children, but with her husband's premature death, and sufferings from hunger and diseases, four of them died early. In order to make a living, she had to ask her daughter to give up education. From the age of six, the daughter started helping her mother support the whole family by weaving plaits. Together, they struggled against poverty and became inextricably bound up with straw weave.

The film shooting lasted a year and a half, and with the combination of true record and movie narrative, it demonstrates dramatic changes in the fate of the mother and daughter and social vicissitudes through expressive camera language. 

The Relic 



2014 年,导演回到家乡山西太原。那时,正值太原城改浪潮如日中天,四处都是钢筋混凝土的声音,街道被 挖的坑坑洼洼,原本熟悉的那些建筑与记忆,从此灰飞烟灭。而就在这一个月,导演的姥姥、姥爷居住了几十 年的老房,也被拆迁。几十年的居所,也许一夜之间,就与你毫无关系。导演开始关注曾经居住的城市及其巨变, 这就是创作的初衷。

此作品融合投影、特效、现场装置等多种艺术表达手段,描绘现代化建设狂潮背后的黯淡,折射着中国西部当下, 人、社会、城市发展之间错综复杂的迷局。

In 2014, I came back to my hometown Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province. During this time, Taiyuan was undergoing massive renovations. I can hear the voice of the reinforced concrete, I can see the streets littered in potholes. All of the buildings I was familiar with and all of my memories became ash. My grandparents' house that they had lived in for more than 10 years was demolished within this time period. I could not believe that a house could disappear so suddenly. It was at this time that I started to pay closer attention to the city I was loved and how drastically it has changed. It is also the reason I created these series.

This series contains projections, special effects, field devices and other forms of artistic expression to show the dark behind modernization and construction, as well as to reflect the complex relationship between Chinese people, westernization, society and urban development. 

Bad Girl 


1999 年生的萱萱被父母和老师们视为不良少女,她逃学、整容、早恋、泡酒吧,经常夜不归宿。深入她的生活, 会发现她的家庭、学校、身边的朋友,都是让她形成不良的原因。父亲因忙碌而忽略她,母亲强硬的不理解, 学校老师对她身心的摧残,身边朋友扭曲的三观引导......萱萱其实也是一个受害者,看到这样的她,导演反思自己的青春期,也有同样的经历和痛苦。本片不只是纪录了不良少女萱萱的生活,也是导演自己的青春期的真 实写照。

Xuan Xuan, a 17 years old girl, is a misbehaved girl in the eyes of parents and teachers. She fell in love at an early age, dropped out of school and was never home. However, when her family and school were exposed to the camera, the girl's loneliness and pain makes us understand why she is misbehaved. The director remembers her own youth when shooting the film. This documentary is not just a record of the bad girl, Xuan Xuan's, life, but also a true portrayal of the director's own adolescence. 

The Cocoon

The (Science of) Cocoon_poster.png

This is the story about a mother and daughter.

They have been fighting each other for many years. One day, the mother decides to eat her daughter up in order to finish the fighting and to solve all of their problems. Let's stick together, forever. When the daughter experiences this journey in her mother's stomach, little secrets of her mother are discovered. These discoveries began to shape her cocoon over many years. Eventually, her most interesting and terrifying discovery was having to raise another child that shaped the same cocoon of the next generation, her daughter. However, she refused to be shaped, so she tore off the cocoon and leaves it behind. 

Goodbye Mr. B, Hello Miss B

我是一个单纯的人,经历了一次独一无二的变身,这部影片中记录了我在这一路上的起起落落。我呈现给你—— 我亲密的变性者。


I am a simple person going through a unique transformation, and here is a collection of my ups and downs along the way, I present to you - my intimate transgender "selfie" documentary.