4th Edition of the Elimination of Violence Against Women Art Exhibition (EVAW)

Bringing feminists, artists, and students together

The Elimination of Violence Against Women Art Exhibition is an event organized by the China Women’s Film Festival annually since 2015. Drawing on last year’s success, we decided to take it one step further with the ambition to create our own comic series that feature empowered and complex female characters. Different from previous editions, this one is going to be a one-year long project.

The story takes place in a parallel universe of 1936 Beijing. The Chinese economy is at comparable levels to Europe’s at the time. However, a lot of social issues have begun to emerge, such as environmental pollution, rural-urban divide, exploitation of labor, and gender issues. At the same time, the collision between old and new culture is reflected in women’s liberation struggle. Internationally, the Great Depression of the 1930s is luring and the Second World War will soon break out…

Our Mission & Impact

To connect feminist activists, illustrators, and storytellers from across the world to create an array of diverse comics that feature strong women. The project aims to reach children and young adults through the powerful medium of comics. The China Women’s Film Festival believes that by creating visual media containing feminist messages we can positively influence how children will grow to understand themselves and the world around them. Everyone should believe that they can be as powerful as Miss Marvel, Wonder Women or Pippi Long-stocking regardless of their sex, gender, race, religion or ethnicity!

project plan

190118 How to make your own heroine.jpg

Part I.

A women’s rights activist creates the foundation for a character

The role of the women’s rights activist is to ensure that the design and story-line of the comic is in line with feminist ideals. The activist will develop a strong and empowered heroine, create a sketch that demonstrates what the character should look like, and write a backstory for the character with its personality traits

Princess Su AFTER by Fiona Staples.jpg

Part II.

A professional cartoonist refines the illustration

Well-known cartoonists, popular with the general youth, will be invited to illustrate the heroine and plot-line that were developed in Part I. They will refine the character, clothing, weapons and backgrounds. Throughout this period, the cartoonist will be in close contact with the activist to ensure a mutually satisfying result.

Liza Donnelly is a resident illustrator to CBS News and famous for her work for The New Yorker. See the work she has done while in China.


Part III.

Chinese students create a script and story-line for the comic

In the third stage, students from around China will submit story-lines for the characters with the hopes of having their work featured in feminist comics illustrated by well-known cartoonists. All of these stories will be collected, and the most intelligent, entertaining, and empowering will be chosen for each of the comics created.

How to participate

Please email contact@chinawomensff.net if you are interested in contributing to the creation of a feminist superhero!