

  • 首先,亚太地区人权电影制作人的英语熟练程度有待提升。

  • Secondly, due to the fact that this field is a niche, there are currently limited opportunities for international exchange. Therefore, raising funds and shooting films at the same time poses a great challenge for those involved.

  • 第三,国际上对我们事业现有的关注度也十分有限,这导致我们在亚太地区拍摄人权电影时往往面临安全问题。

  • 最后,由于播放渠道有限,我们难以让全球范围内的观众看到影片,实现改善人权状况的目标愈发困难。



  1. 召集亚太地区各国的人权电影制作者举行年度会议,期间合作开设训练课程。其中,APHRFN将资助5到10名成员前往其他国家参与会议与课程,当地的人权电影制作者将依据他们的目标与需求制定课程内容。如此,我们将努力实现帮助各国人权电影建立地区联络平台这一首要目标。

  2. The 1905 International Human Rights Film Festival will invite outstanding individuals working in HR films from around the world (not limited to the Asia-Pacific filmmakers) to exhibit and exchange their work. During their visit specialized short-term training course will be organized as well.

  3. The APHRFN will help our in applying for international film festival as well as with international visiting scholar opportunities. To ensure the best information and opportunities we conduct interviews with foundations, HR NGO’s, film production companies, film institutes, HR filmmakers and film festivals from all over the world.

  4. The APHRFN will organize annual international conferences on HR education and HR filmmaking in Bangkok, Thailand. Through these conferences we will link Asian HR filmmakers to the world of international HR. More precise and concrete information on this conference will follow soon. The preliminary planning is to hold this years’ conference at the beginning of December 2019.

  5. The 1905 International Human Rights Film Festival will gradually expand and organized throughout the whole of the Asia-Pacific region. The 1905 Film Festival will serve as a platform to link Asia-Pacific HR filmmakers. This year, the above-mentioned conferences will take place in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Bangkok and we wish to combine these with the film festivals.