A flow of enthusiast women in professions overflown by man. Eight women working in the broad spectrum of scientific professions from artificial intelligence to programming and aviation, talk about the conditions in which they became interested in technical professions, the obstacles they confronted, and how they dealt with them. In most technical occupations, women are still very poorly represented. However, those who have entered these fields of work despite the odds, usually show a very positive attitude towards their work, a pleasure in self-fulfillment through work, and professionalism in the occupation. The film reveals covert discrimination against women, which still prevents them from equally access to certain social spheres. The film also presented social circumstances that influence the decisions of individuals in the choice of their professions and how decisions are determined by gender.
Directors‘ Biography
Ana Čigon (1982) is an artist from Slovenia that works in diverse artistic fields like film, video art and performance. She studied video and new media art in Ljubljana (Slovenia) and Linz (Austria). Her projects tackle social issues, such as under-representation of women in history, LGBTIQ+ topics and marginalised social groups, the effects of neo-liberalism on society and such. Her works often contain elements of humour and irony.
She is the winner of OHO Award 2010, finalist for the Slovenia Henkel Award and finalist of Vordemberge Gildewart Foundation Award. Her films have been presented on international film festivals worldwide, for which she received numerous nominations, her last short animation received 5 awards.
Ida Hiršenfelder
Saša Spačal is a postmedia artist working at the intersection of living systems research, contemporary and sound art. Her work focuses primarily on the posthuman condition, where human beings exist and act as one of many elements in the ecosystem and not as sovereigns. Therefore abandoning the Cartesian system of classification and accepting the fact that the field of technology has expanded not only from hardware to software but also to wetware resulting in hybrid phenomena inscribed in mechanical, digital and organic
logic. Her work was exhibited and performed at venues and festivals such as Ars Electronica Festival (AT), Prix Cube Exhibition (FR), Transmediale Festival (DE), Athens Digital Arts Festival (GR) amongst others. She was awarded Prix Ars Electronica Honorary Mention, nominated for Prix Cube Award, Japan Media Art Award (jury selection), New Technology Art Award and was longlisted for the New Aesthetica Prize.
Ana Čigon
Ida Hiršenfelder (stage name beepblip) is a sound artist and archivist. She makes immersive bleepy psychogeographical soundscapes by use of analogue electronics, DIY and modular synths, field recordings, algorithmic composition and computer manipulations. She is interested in bioacoustics, experimental and microtonal music. She was a member of Theremidi Orchestra (2011–2017) DIY sound collective and is currently a member of experimental music quintet for bioacoustics Jata C in the production of radioCona (Steklenik – Gallery for Sound, Bioacustics and Art). Her solo albums Noise for Strings, Vol. 1 (2019) and Noise for Strings, Vol. 2 (2020) were published by Kamizdat label. She is a co-founder of ČIPke Initiative for Women with a Sense for Technology, Science and Art with artist Saša Spačal. Web:
Saša Spačal
视觉工厂 | Visual Arts Centre
东城区西草市东街甲34-9号圆楼 | Dongcheng Qu, Xicaoshi,Dongjie Jia 34-9, Yuanlou