小月背井离乡,独自进城打拼,不料撞上个大霉头,被工作餐厅的服务员污蔑,扫地出门。刚进城不久的她游 荡徘徊于冷漠都市,在众多招聘启示中难觅去处。穷极之际却遇足疗店老板娘将其领回。一夜,小月暗恋的厨 师走进她工作的足疗店,在命运面前,那个被称之为爱情的词逐渐模糊起来......
本片改编自真人真事,讲述进城务工的“良家妇女”小月下海的故事,试图道出性工作者背后的酸甜苦辣、有 血有肉的生命历程。
The film is about a woman from a rural area who works in a small restaurant as a cleaner with very low pay. Since she has to support her family (mother and daughter), she has no money left for herself for better makeup or clothes, which gives her low self-esteem.
Later, she was fired by her boss. Because she lost all of her money and her home, she was forced to work in massage parlor as a sex worker. It just so happens that her first customer is the chef of the previous restaurant, who she had greatly admired. In this first sex exchange, she is satisfied both emotionally as well as economically. This encounter is how she begins her career as a sex worker, which also makes her more confident.
Venue Address 场地地址:
Crossroads Centre 18 Da Shi Qiao Hu Tong Jiu Gu Lou Da Jie, Xi Cheng District, Beijing
交差点中心 北京市西城区旧鼓楼大街大石桥18号