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我罩袍下的口红 Lipstick Under My Burkha


在印度某个拥挤的小镇中心,4 位女性试图找寻一点点自由的秘密生活。尽管被压抑受困于她们的世界,她们 通过一个小小的勇气之举表达出她们的愿望。这是一部与要求女性绝对服从的法律和传统抗争的疯狂喜剧。对 于导演来说,口红是所有隐藏起来的梦想和欲望的象征。

Set in the heart of the crowded streets of a small town in India, Lipstick Under My Burkha shows the secret lives of four women in search of a little freedom. Although repressed and trapped in their world, they claim their desires by small acts of courage. Lipstick Under My Burkha is an insolent comedy, fighting against the submission of women to laws and traditions. For the director, lipstick is the symbol of all these hidden dreams and desires. 

Venue Address 场地地址:
Institut Francais Guangcai International Mansion, 18 Gongti Xilu, Chao Yang District, Beijing
法国文化中心 北京市朝阳区工体西路18号,光彩国际公寓