Fourth Edition
Fourth Edition
Following the success of the previous 3 years of the festival, the fourth China Women’s Film Festival was held in Beijing from 17th to 25th September 2016. The festival is still on tour across China at the moment, and is expected to end in July.
Currently the following guests were invited to the festival in Beijing: Weitsy Wang (Taiwanese filmmaker), Linda Steinhoff (Norwegian German filmmaker), Dajing, He Xiaopei, Zhao Panqi, Yang Yufei and Liu Xiaoke (Chinese filmmakers), Shen Yi (Taiwanese producer), Lian Shumei (Chinese actress), Ellen Tejle (Swedish feminist and initiator of the A-Rate campaign), Joanna Roper (Chair of the Women’s Association of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office), Jiang Fangzhou (Deputy Chief Editor of New Weekly), Rong Weiyi (Chinese feminist), Susie Jolly (Program officer of the Ford Foundation’s Beijing office). With more to be added in the final leg of the tour.
The Festival in Beijing had seven categories: Feminism, Ending Violence and Discrimination Against Women, Queer Women, HeForShe, Women’s Achievements, Dutch Cinema and Feminism: Marleen Gorris’ Retrospective, and Chinese Competition. A prize ceremony was organised during the closing ceremony, where three awards were given for the best Chinese film. Liu Xiaoke received the first award for her film Adopt. The second award went to Zhao Panqi for her film Refuse Dump, and the third one to Yufei Yang for her film Under Goddesses’ Shel